1. How did you experience the book? It's not always helpful to talk about whether or not you liked the book, but rather how you felt as you were reading it? Were you pulled effortlessly into the book...or did you have difficulty getting into it? Why?
I got into this book very quickly because the book was written in adiary format. Also, it was very easy to comprehend and well-described. The events in the book went very quickly so it wasn't boring.

2. Were you happy about your book choice? Why or why not?
I was happy about my book choice because the author really went to Kenya and wrote how he felt and his perspective of the place. I sympathized with his point of view a lot of the times. For example, in the beginning he thought Africa would be like the movie "Jungle Jim"

3. Which place discussed in the book did you find the most intriguing? Why do you think that was the case?
The place that I found the most intrguing was the Gedi Ruins. I've never heard about this place before but by reading this book and looking at the pictures,  I thought it's really cool place. In addition, their history is very interesting because they were hidden for a long time even though they had many trades with other regions.

4. What central ideas might the author be exploring-the novel's themes? Consider ideas about the nature of love, the requirements of goodness, the meaning of justice, the burden of the past...basic human issues that are at stake in the book.
The central idea of this book might be poverty and helping them. In his book, many places he goes to are full of poverty and crime. He goes with CARE organization worker which helps with these issues. Thus, he is trying to inform that they need more help and support.

5. What do you feel you learned from this project? Please consider the book, the technology involved with producing the project, or any other aspect regarding the project.
Now I know how to make a blog and post things. I learned a lot about Kenya. How their people live and their situation. Knowing how to do the citation was a big part of learning.

6. What was the most enjoyable part of the project? Please explain why you felt this way.
Most enjoyable part was looking for the pictures. When I was reading the book I didn't really know what they are like. But by seeing the picture, I completely got the image of the places.

7. What was the most difficult part of the project? Please explain why you felt this way.
The most difficult part was starting this project because I didn't know what I should do. Since it was my first time making my own blog, the technology was kind of complicated.