Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 8

 To get to our destination, Dadaab(31), we had to take a single-engine airplane. So we went to Malindi Airport(30). When I saw the airplane that we were going to take, I was terrified. I doubted that it's safe. But Again, I had to get in anyways. Dadaab is on the equater and sixty miles away from Somalia border. This region was suffering from drought. In Dadaab, we went to CARE refugee camp(31). In the refugee camp, we helped the CARE worker with their duty. We distributed food, and visited schools. Still, the food and the supplies were not enough for all those people. In addition, their edacational condition was very poor due to money shortage.
School in Dadaab Refugee Camp

Map of Dadaab Refugee Camp

"From Horror to Hopelessness | Human Rights Watch." Home | Human Rights Watch. Web. 26 Nov. 2010. <>.

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